Financial Wellness Workshops

Financial Education so your employees can stress less and work better.

Financial Wellness Workshops is dedicated to equipping people with the tools for success through no-strings-attached financial education. Our program is specifically designed for U.S.-based employees.


open the
door to

With a Financial Literacy Workshop

We understand that financial frustration can lead to poor productivity at work. Most employees would use support, but many companies don’t provide the financial education their employees need to make great decisions for their professional and personal lives.

Financial Wellness Workshops by MME provides the free program your people need to stop stressing about money and engage as more productive employees.


Everyone wins
with a financial education workshop

HR and benefit directors

HR and benefit directors

Save time and money by enlisting the no-cost financial wellness programming your employees need to be productive and satisfied.



Employees will be less stressed at home and more productive in the workplace.



Business will grow as satisfaction soars, productivity increases, and your new recruitment perk helps you hire the best in your industry.


Here’s what a financial education workshop can help you avoid

Stressed and dissatisfied employees who feel like their company does not have their best interests at heart.

Stressed and dissatisfied employees

Poor recruitment classes. Companies with better services and benefits will recruit the best in your industry.

Poor recruitment classes

Suffering performance as a result of underlying financial stress and confusion.

Suffering performance

No catch, no stress

Here’s how it works



Tell us your story and let us share how we can help.



Our team of experts will create and help you roll out your custom financial wellness roadmap.



Watch your people succeed with their newfound knowledge.

Success Stories

“Feedback has been overwhelmingly positive, especially concerning the personal one-to-one planning sessions and your solicitation-free approach to education.”

— Carl Nelson

Haworth, Holland, MI

“In this day and age when companies are looking at ways to engage employees and provide them with educational programs but don’t have a budget, they really should look no further.”

— Elysa Robin

American Property Casualty Insurance Association, Chicago, IL

“With over 110 seminars… the feedback we receive on your presentation is always great!”

— Jim Bearden

Boeing, Seattle, WA

Brands who trust us

American College of Surgeons

your free
digital guide

Five Ways To Grow Your Business Through Employee Financial Wellness

volunteer expert financial wellness
financial wellness workshop expert

ready to
serve you


We know you want to be proactive in supporting your employees so they can be more satisfied and productive, but most employer financial wellness programs are either costly or come with a catch.

Financial Wellness Workshops by MME is a group of volunteer financial expert educators providing objective, no-strings-attached financial education to employers at no cost.