Your questions answered


What is a Financial Wellness Workshop?

Our 60-minute sessions are designed to provide a solid foundational understanding of various financial topics, as well as give practical, current advice for effective personal financial management.

We offer both in-person and virtual sessions.

Who are your workshops designed for?

Our workshops cover a broad range of ideas. Everyone from the line worker to the CEO will receive valuable information to help manage their personal finance. We can even arrange separate sessions for your workforce based on specific needs and concerns they may have.

Are your workshops only for employees within the United States?

Yes. At this time, we exclusively provide financial education for employees within the United States as we are experts in U.S. estate planning, investments and markets.

Our 401(k) provider does seminars for us already, so why would my company need your workshops?

This is true of virtually every company that uses our services. 401(k) provider seminars are informative and necessary, but usually limited, by design, to focus on the 401(k) plan. Financial Wellness Workshops by MME, on the other hand, help attendees to orchestrate their complete personal money management while learning how their 401(k) and other company-sponsored plans fit into the overall landscape.

Will attendees be subjected to a sales pitch?

Never! One of the primary advantages of partnering with an education-only organization is eliminating the risk of a sales pitch. Our sessions are strictly educational and practical, and we never mention, recommend, or endorse specific products or companies. We believe in the importance of the knowledge we have to share, so we give first with no expectations in return. We come to educate, not pitch.

With the “Give First” program, what’s in it for you?

Because Financial Wellness Workshops by MME is an education-only organization supported primarily through dues paid by our nationwide network of volunteer instructors, we are able to provide our workshops and Personal Education Sessions at no cost. Our educators do an excellent job of providing non-biased education. As a result, a consistent percentage of attendees, over time, will enlist the services of the presenter when in need of a financial services professional.

What qualifications do your educators have?

Our corporate educators and presenters are leaders in their fields and have been carefully selected from the most reputable financial institutions, law offices, and accounting firms in the country. Our educators must possess extensive financial knowledge as well as excellent communication and people skills.

Is Financial Wellness Workshops by MME affiliated with a financial institution?

No. MME is an education-only corporation supported entirely by our volunteer educators. However, our instructors are full-time financial services professionals, as well as attorneys and CPAs, and as such, are affiliated with licensed Broker Dealers, law firms or CPA firms.

What makes Financial Wellness Workshops by MME different from other workshop providers?

Our service is personal financial education only. These days every banker, stockbroker, insurance agent, and financial planner has some sort of canned “workshop” presentation touting the wonders of their products and services. These often end up being glorified sales pitches. Our educators use a hands-on approach with extensive attendee interaction and participation. We do not promote specific products or organizations.

How do your personal education sessions work?

The personal education session is what sets us apart from other workshop providers. Each attendee is entitled to a one-hour, no-cost, personal education session with one of our volunteer educators. Like our workshops, these sessions are purely educational with no recommendations for specific financial products.

Personal Education Sessions can be held virtually or in-person. We will work with your company’s preference.

How do attendees follow-up with you if they want to?

Following the personal education session, employees in need of specific financial services, products, or recommendations may request them from the educator in the context of his or her professional financial services practice.

How do your workshops affect 401(k) contributions?

Interest in all company-sponsored plans tends to increase after our workshops. This is most likely because employees hear from us, a disinterested third party, that the company programs are valuable, rather than hearing it from the employer or 401(k) provider whom they would expect to endorse their own plans.

How can I observe one of your workshops?

We recommend you gather a few of your decision makers, and we’ll gladly schedule a virtual “pilot workshop” for you and your key people to evaluate our program. It may also be possible to attend a virtual session as our guest during another company’s workshop. This is done on a limited basis, and only with the host company’s approval.

How do I find out more?

Simply click the button below to request a workshop or more information. One of our educators will be happy to meet with you to answer your questions, demonstrate our process, and work with you to design an education program tailored to your company’s specific needs and budget.